EOS®, a low-viscosity fluid, requires no specialized material handling or pumping equipment. It is designed to migrate out into the aquifer away from the injection point at ambient temperature and low pressure. The ability to emplace the material into the aquifer at a considerable distance from the injection point is a major benefit of EOS®.

EOS® is delivered to a site in 55-gallon drums, totes or in bulk as a concentrate and must be diluted with a ratio of at least four parts of water to one part of EOS® before injection. Based on your specific design, either a “water chase” or an initial dilution ratio of 10:1 can be used for injection purposes. Both methods are equally effective and each has its advantages. The key consideration is to provide the correct amount of EOS® throughout the treatment zone.

A benefit of using EOS® at your site is employing your choice of injection methods. Our experience has shown that where direct push technology can be used, installation of micro wells (¾ to 1-inch PVC wells) can be very cost effective option. However, micro wells are neither better nor worse than conventionally installed wells. If multiple technologies are appropriate, cost factors normally determine the conveyance choice.

There are a variety of injection techniques, including injecting multiple wells simultaneously, to reduce injection costs. EOS® can be diluted in a holding tank and then injected or can be injected using a Dosatron. The Dosatron eliminates tank mixing and reduces injection labor costs. Your EOS Remediation representative can help recommend suitable injection methods.